Publicaciones de Argentinos en 2007

Abril, A., Baleani, D., Casado-Murillo, N., Noe, L. 2007. Effect of weat crop fertilization on nitrogen dynamics and balance in the Humid Pampas, Argentina. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Enviroment, 119: 171-176.

Alvarez, C, H. Rimski-Korsakov, P. Prystupa and R. S. Lavado. 2007. Nitrogen dynamics and losses in direct drilled maize systems. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38: 1-15.

Amiotti, N.; Bravo, O.; Zalba, P., Peinemann. 2007. Effect of landscape position on the acidification of loess-derived soils under Pinus radiata. Austral Ecology, 32: 534-540. 3.

Antelo, J., Arce, F., Avena, M., Fiol, S., López, R., Macías, F. 2007. Adsorption of a soil humic acid at the surface of goethite and its competitive interaction with phosphate. Geoderma 138: 12-19.

Aparicio, V., Costa, J. L. 2007. Soil quality indicators under continuous cropping systems in the Argentinean Pampas, Soil Tillage Res. 96:155-165.

Becerra, A., M. Cabello & F. Chiarini. 2007. Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of vascular plants from the Yungas forests, Argentina. Annals of Forest Science 64: 765-772.

Bedano, J.C. and Ruf, A. 2007.Soil predatory mite communities (Acari: Gamasina) in agroecosystems of central Argentina. Applied Soil Ecology. 36(1): 22-31.

Bidegain, J.C., A.A. Bartel, F.R. Sives, R.C. Mercader. 2007. Mössbauer and magnetic studies of parent material from argentine pampas soils. Hiperfine Interactions, 175: 35-41.

Blanco, M. del C and Stoops G. 2007. Genesis of pedons with discontinuous argillic horizons in the Holocene loess mantle of the southern Pampa landscape, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 23, 30-45.

Blanco, P. D., C. M. Rostragno, H. F. del Valle, A. M. Beeskow, T. Wiegand. 2008. Grazing Impacts in Vegetated Dune Fields: Predictions From Spatial Pattern Análisis. Rangeland Ecology & Management 61:194–203 7.

Botta, G., Pozzolo, O., Bomben, M., Rosatto, H., Rivero, D., Ressia, M., Tourn, M., Soza, E. and Vázquez, J. 2007. Traffic alternatives in harvest of soybean (Glycine max l.): effect on yields and soil under direct sowing system. Soil and Tillage Research. 96: 145 – 154.

Bouza, P.J., M. Simón, J. Aguilar, H. del Valle, M. Rostagno. 2007. Fibrous-clay mineral formation and soil evolution in Aridisols of northeastern Patagonia, Argentina. Geoderma, 139 (1-2): 38-50

Bravo O. A., Blanco, M.  del C., Amiotti N.M. 2007. Control factors in the segregation of mollisols and aridisols of the semiarid and transition of Argentina. CATENA 70, 2:220-228.

Buschiazzo, DE., Abascal, S., Zobeck, T. 2007. Wind erosion in tillage systems in the semiarid Pampa of Argentina. Journal of Arid Environments 69: 29-39.

Chagas CI, Piazza, MV, De Siervi M, Santanatoglia OJ, Moretton J, Paz M, Castiglioni MG, Irurtia C. 2007. -Calidad de agua de escorrentía superficial en sistemas ganaderos extensivos e intensivos de Argentina. Agrochimica LI (2-3):130-136.

Chaia, E.E; Solans, M; Vobis, G; Wall, L.G. 2007. Discaria trinervis-nodulating Frankia in Patagonian soil according to season and storage conditions. Physiologia Plantarum 130: 357-363.

Ciarlo E., Conti M.E., Bartoloni N. and Rubio G. 2007. The effect of moisture on nitrous oxide emissions from soil and the N2O/(N2O+N2) ratio under laboratory conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils 43: 675-681.

Correa, O.S., A.M. Romero, M.S. Montecchia, M.A. Soria. 2007. Tomato genotype and Azospirillum inoculation modulate the changes in bacterial communities associated with roots and leaves. Journal of Applied Microbiology 102: 781-786.

Costantini, A.; H. De-Polli; R. Pereyra Rossiello y M.C. Plencovich. 2007. Carbon origin and stock in cultivated and grassland soils of  the Argentine Pampa. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 38:19, 2767 -2778

Covacevich, F.; Echeverría, H.E., Aguirrezabal, L.A.N. 2007. Spread of indigenous mycorrhization in wheat crop affected by phosphorus and nitrogen fertilization. Applied Soil Ecology 35:1-9.

Cusato, M.S., R.D. Tortosa, L. Valiente, A.J. Barneix, M.M. Puelles.2007. Effects of Zn2+ on nodulation and growth of a South American actinorhizal plant, Discaria americana (Rhamnaceae). World J. Microbiol Biotechno, 23: 771-777.

Dalurzo, H.C., Vazquez, S., Fernández Lopez, C., Prause, J. 2007. Phosphorus fractions and its taxonomic relationship with soils from Argentinean subtropics. Agrochimica 51: 319-328.

Díaz-Zorita, M.C., J.H. Grove, E. Perfect. 2007. Sieving durantion and sieve loading impacts on dry soil fragment size distributions. Soil Till. Res. 94:15-20.

Fernández, L.A., Zalba, P., Gómez, M.A., Sagardoy, M.A. 2007. Phosphate-solubilization activity of bacterial strains in soil and their effect on soybean growth under greenhouse conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils 43: 805-809.

Fernandez Cirelli, A. and Heredia, O.2007. Environmental risk of increasing phosphorus addition in relation to soil sorption capacity. Geoderma 137 (2007) 426-431

Ferrari A.E. y L.G. Wall. 2007. Nodulation, nitrogen fixation and growth of Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) on a desurfaced soil substrate inoculated with a local Rhizobium isolate. Biology and Fertility of Soils 43: 471-477.

Ferraro, D.O. and Ghersa, C.M. 2007.Quantifying the crop management influence on arable soil condition in the Inland Pampa Argentina. Geoderma. 141: 43-52.

Ferraro, D.O., Ghersa, C. M..2007. Exploring the natural and human-induced effects on the assemblage of soil microarthropod communities in Argentina. European Journal of Soil Biology. 43: 109-119.

Garibaldi L.A., M. Semmartin, E.J. Chaneton. 2007. Grazing-induced changes in plant composition affect litter quality and nutrient cycling in Flooding Pampa grasslands. Oecologia 151: 650-662.

García, I., Mendoza. R. 2007. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant symbiosis in a saline-sodic soil. Mycorrhiza. 17(3): 167-174.

Ghiberto, P.J.; Pilatti, M.A.; Imhoff, S.; Orellana, J.A. de., 2007. Hydraulic conductivity of Molisolls irrigated with sodic-bicarbonated waters in Santa Fe (Argentina). Agricultural Water Manage.88 (1-3): 192 – 200.

Giménez, P.I., D.M. Sorlino, N. Trápani. 2007. Comparative Growth of Oilseed and Textile Flax under Different Nitrogen Supplies. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 38: 1425-1437

Gomez, E., R Pioli y M.E. Conti. 2007. Fungal Abundance and Distribution as Influenced by Clearing and Land Use in Vertic Soil of Argentina. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43: 373-377.

Gutierrez Boem F.H., P. Prystupa, G. Ferraris. 2007. Seed number and yield determination in sulphur deficient soybean crops. Journal of Plant Nutrition 30: 93-104.

Hadad, H., Maine, G., Bonetto, C. 2007. The effect of nutrient addition on metal tolerance in Salvinia hergozzi. Ecological Engineering. 31: 122-131.

Hang, S., Nassetta, M., Cañas, I.A., Rampoldi, A. Fernández-Canigia, M.V., Díaz-Zorita, M. 2007. Changes of atrazine extractable residues in Molisols under non-tillage systems. Soil Till. Research, 96: 243-249.

Hang, S., Houot, S. Barriuso E. 2007.Mineralization of 14C-atrazine in a Typic Haplustoll in three winter weed control management Soil Till. Research, 96: 234-242.

Heredia O.S., A. Fernández Cirelli. 2007. Environmental risks of increasing phosphorus addition in relation to soil sorption capacity. Geoderma 137: 426-431.

Hevia, G., Mendez, M., Buschiazzo, D.E. 2007. Tillage affects soil parameters linked with wind erosion. Geoderma 140: 90–96.

Huss-Danell, K., Chaia, E., Carlsson, G. 2007. N2 fixation and nitrogen allocation to above and below ground plant parts in red clover-grasslands. Plant and Soil 299: 215-226.

Jobbágy, E.G., Jackson, R.B. 2007. Groundwater and soil chemical changes under phreatophytic tree plantations. Journal Geophysical Research, 112:G02013. DOI: 10.1029/2006JG000246.

Kowaljow, E. and M.J. Mazzarino. 2007. Soil restoration in semiarid Patagonia: Chemical and biological response to different compost quality. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39:1580-1588.

Lázzari, M.A., Landriscini, M.R. y Echagüe, M.E 2007 . Uptake of nitrogen by malting barley grown under conditions found in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Communication in Soil Sc. and Plant Analysis 38 (3-4): 371-388.

Lenardis, A., van Baren, C., Di Leo Lira, P., Ghersa, C.M. 2007. Plant-soil interactions in wheat and coriander crops driving arthropod assemblies through volatile compounds. European Journal of Agronomy. 26: 410-417.

López, M.V., de Dios Herrero, J.M., Hevia, G.G., Gracia, R., Buschiazzo, D.E. 2007. Determination of the wind erodible fraction of soils using different methodologies. Geoderma 139: 407–411

Medaura, M.C. M.P. Balla, P.A. Gutierrez, I.E. García de Salamone, T. P. García Torres, M.A. Monzón, E.C. Ércoli. 2007. Composting: bioremediation of soil contaminated with weathered hydrocarbons. Journal of Petroleum Engineering Society 10: 1752-1759.

Menoyo, E., A. Becerra & D. Renison. 2007. Mycorrhizal associations in Polylepis woodlands of Central Argentina. Canadian Journal of Botany 85(5): 526–531

Oyonarte , M., Mingorance, D., Durante, P., Piñeiro, G., Barahona, E. 2007.Indicators of change in the organic matter in arid soils. Science of the total Environment, 378:133-137.

Panebianco, J.E., Buschiazzo, D.E. 2007. Wind erosion predictions with the Wind Erosion Equation (WEQ) using different climatic factors. Land Degradation & Development. 19:36-44.

Prause, J., Fernández López, C. 2007. Litter decomposition and lignin/cellulose and lignin/total nitrogen rates of leaves in four species of the Argentine Subtropical Forest. Agrochimica 51: 294-300.

Principe, A., Alvarez, F., Castro, M.G., Zachi, L., Fischer, S.E., Mori, G.D., Jofré, E. 2007. Biocontrol and PGPR features in native strain isolated from saline soils of Argentina. Current Microbiology 55: 314-322.

Quintero, C.E., F.H. Gutiérrez Boem, M.R. Befani, N.G. Boschetti. 2007. Effects of soil flooding on phosphorus transformations in soils of the Mesopotamia region, Argentina. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 170: 500-505.

Rubio G., Lynch JP. 2007. Compensation among root classes of Phaseolus vulgaris L.  Plant and Soil 290: 307-321.

Rufino, M.C., Tittonell, P., van Wijk, M.T., Castellanos-Navarrete, A., de Ridder, N., Giller, K.E. 2007. Manure as a key resource to sustainability of smallholder farming systems: analysing farm-scale nutrient cycling efficiencies within the NUANCES framework. Livestock Science 112: 273–287.

Salvagiotti, F., Miralles, D.J., 2007. Wheat development as affected by nitrogen and sulfur nutrition. Aust. J. Agr. Res. 58, 39-45.

. Sánchez, E.E.; A. Giayetto; L. Cichón; D. Fernández; M.C. Aruani y M M. Curetti. 2007. Cover crops influence soil properties and tree performance in an organic apple (Malus domestica Borkh) orchard in northern Patagonia. Plant and Soil 292:193-203.

Satti, P.; Mazzarino, M.J.; Roselli, L. and P. Crego. 2007. Factors affecting soil P dynamics in temperate volcanic soils of southern Argentina. Geoderma 139:229-240.

 Scervino J.M., Ponce M.A., Erra-Bassells R., Vierheilig H., Ocampo J.A., Godeas A. 2007. Flavonoids exibit fungal species and genus specific effects on the presymbiotic growth of Gigaspora and Glomus. Can. Jour. Microbiology 53: 702-709.

 Schenone, N., Volpedo, A. and Fernandez Cirelli, A. 2007.Trace Metal Contents in water and sediments in Samborombon Bay wetland, Argentina, Wetland ecology and management 15: 303-310.

Semmartin M., M. Oyarzábal, J. Loreti, M. Oesterheld. 2007. Controls of primary productivity and nutrient cycling in a temperate grassland with year-round production. Austral Ecology 32: 416-428.

Tittonell, P., Vanlauwe, B., de Ridder, N., Giller, K.E., 2007. Heterogeneity of crop productivity and resource use efficiency within smallholder Kenyan farms: soil fertility gradients or management intensity gradients? Agricultural Systems 94, 376-390

Tittonell, P., Zingore, S., van Wijk, M.T., Corbeels, M., Giller, K.E., 2007. Nutrient use efficiencies and crop responses to N, P and manure applications in Zimbabwean soils: Exploring management strategies across soil fertility gradients. Field Crops Research, 100, 348 – 368.

Tognetti, C.; Mazzarino, M.J. and F. Laos. 2007. Improving the quality of municipal waste compost. Bioresource Technology 98: 1067-1076.

Tognetti, C.; Mazzarino, M.J. and F. Laos. 2007. Cocomposting biosolids and municipal organic waste: effects of process management on stabilization and quality. Biology & Fertility of Soils 43:387-397.

Zalba P., J.A. Galantini. 2007. Improved soil tests methods for available phosphorus in acid, neutral and alkaline soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38: 1579-1587.

Zalba, P.; Bravo, O.,Garay M., N Peinemann. 2007. Moisture and temperature effect on soil phosphorus availability. Agrochímica 51(1-2): 55-63.

Zubillaga, M. M., M. L. Cabrera, D. Kissel, J. Rema. 2007. Modelling field scale N mineralization in Coastal Plain soils. Ecological Modelling 207: 243-250.