Dra. Claire Chenu (jueves 15 de mayo a las 15:00h en el Auditorio Caja de los Trebejos)
» Interactions between soil organic matter and soil structure at the microscale»
Professor of Soil Science at AgroParisTech (Agronomy University of Paris)
Team leader : at INRA Versailles 1994-2003 and at BioEMCo Grignon 2004 –present (18 individuals).
Head of department : Unité de Science du Sol INRA Versailles 1998-2003.
Project leader : various scientific projects in France (1993-present), leader for an INRA national call for proposal in soil ecology 1995-1998.
Associate editor for Applied Soil Ecology (1994-2003), European Journal of Soil Science (1994-present).
Referee for various journals (Soil Science Society of America Journal, Journal of Environmental Quality, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Biology and Fertility of Soils, FEMS Microbial Ecology, Microbial Ecology, Applied Soil Ecology, Plant and Soil, Organic Geochemistry, Canadian Journal of Soil Science, Geoderma, European Journal of Soil Science, Environmental Pollution, Biogeochemistry, Australian Journal of Soil Science, Nature…).
Awards: Prix Jean Dufresnoy de l’Académie d’Agriculture, 2000.
Dirección de correo electrónico Claire Chenu
Dr. Merle F. Vigil (martes 13 de mayo a las 15:00h en el Auditorio Caja de los Trebejos)
«Alternativas de rotaciones y manejo de suelos en agricultura de zonas semiáridas «
Merle was born and raised in Thornton, CO, but his family farmed in the San Luis Valley. It was during summer visits to the valley, that Merle became interested in agriculture. He went to CSU to get his B.S. in agronomy (1980) and his M.S. in soil fertility in 1983. Dwayne Westfall was his graduate advisor at CSU, but we don’t hold that against him! Merle was a county agent in Logan County for one year, and then went back to school to get his Ph.D. in soil fertility/chemistry from Kansas State University in 1989. After all that schooling, Dr. Vigil got a post-doc position with the USDA-Agricultural Research Service in Lincoln, Nebraska. He moved to Akron in 1991 to accept a position at the Central Great Plains Research Station as a soil scientist. Merle’s research focus is on nitrogen transformations in agricultural soils and on nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency. He uses simulation modeling of these processes to expand the application of his research results. Dr. Vigil was promoted to Research Leader for the Akron station in 2000. Merle is married to Desiree, and they have five children and one grandchild. Merle spends most of his free time following his kids around to sporting events, but he also enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, and backpacking. He plays guitar, runs, and bikes to work whenever possible. Merle has taught the Jr. High Sunday School class at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church ever since the Vigils moved to Akron. With all those hobbies (and kids!), it’s amazing how hard he works to support the farmers in Washington County and the Great Plains.
Michael A. Sporcic (viernes 16 de mayo a las 15:00h en el Auditorio Caja de los Trebejos)
«Wind Erosion Control in the Semiarid USA. Systems Approach»
Michael A. Sporcic is a Conservation Agronomist (Wind Erosion Specialist) located in Fort Worth, Texas. In this position, his duties include: developing and maintaining guidance on the application of wind erosion prediction technologies; serving as the agency technical leader for the Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS); managing the national databases used in wind erosion prediction technologies; serving as the national point of contact for assistance to WEPS users; and developing and conducting training sessions and workshops on wind erosion technologies. He also created and maintains a national Wind Erosion Equation (WEQ) spreadsheet used to estimate wind erosion.
Dr. Paulo Cesar Ocheuze Trivelin (viernes 16 de mayo a las 9:00h en el Salón Mercosur – Biagro)
«Cultivo de caña de azúcar y producción de biocombustible (etanol) en Brasil»
Engenheiro Agrônomo, 1973, ESALQ/ USP; Mestrado, 1976, ESALQ/USP; Doutorado, 1983, ESALQ/USP. Livre-Docente, 2000, CENA/USP.
Especialidad: Técnicas con 15N en estudios de ciclado de nitrógeno en agroecosistemas;
Métodos analíticos de isótopos estables de elementos livianos;
Enriquecimiento de isótopos estables y síntesis de compuestos marcados.
Docencia de Pos-Grado:
CEN-5706 – Metodologia de Isótopos Estáveis (CENA/USP) Coordenador.
CEN-5716 – Isótopos em Nutrição de Plantas e Fertilidade do Solo (CENA/USP) Colaborador.
CEN-5747 – Técnicas Isotópicas em Estudos de Ciclagem de Nitrogênio em Agroecossistemas (CENA/USP) Coordenador.Curriculum vitae: http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.jsp?id=K4783999J7
Dr. Antonio Cendrero Uceda (jueves 15 de mayo a las 11:30h en el Salón Mercosur – Biagro)
«Impacto de las actividades antrópicas en los procesos terrestres superficiales»
Actualmente es Catedrático de Geodinámica Externa, de la Universidad de Cantabria. Se dedica desde el año 1965 a la investigación y la docencia.
Participa de proyectos, organismos y comisiones internacionales desde 1990, siendo miembro de organismos como EUROCOAST, SCOPE, FAO, ICSU, UNEP, UNESCO, WMO y del Comité Científico Asesor del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente de España y autor o co-autor de más de 230 publicaciones científicas, nacionales e internacionales.
En sus temas de investigación, se destaca el “Análisis, evaluación, planificación y gestión ambiental integrados; cartografía geoambiental”, la cual fue implementada a nivel local en 1992 para la Carta Ambiental del Partido de General Pueyrredon.
En la actualidad investiga los “Indicadores e índices ambientales para el diagnóstico de la calidad ambiental y la sostenibilidad”.