Autor: Diego Cosentino

  • Publicación FAO: Carbono Orgánico del Suelo

    Publicación FAO: Carbono Orgánico del Suelo

    Carbono Orgánico del Suelo: El Potencial Oculto

    La publicación fue lanzada en el Simposio Mundial sobre Carbono Orgánico del Suelo (GSOC), celebrado en la sede de la FAO (Roma, 21-23 de marzo de 2017). Proporciona una visión general a los tomadores de decisiones y los profesionales de los principales hechos científicos e información acerca de las deficiencias actuales de conocimientos y conocimientos sobre el carbono orgánico del suelo. Destaca cómo se puede implementar mejor información y buenas prácticas para apoyar la eliminación del hambre, la adaptación y la mitigación del cambio climático y el logro del desarrollo sostenible global.

  • PRIMER CONGRESO de la RED ARGENTINA DE SALINIDAD. «Por la incorporación productiva y sustentable de los ambientes salinos»


    11-13 de marzo de 2009 Campus Universitario – Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias Universidad Católica de Córdoba.

    Más información:

    Tercera circular

  • XXII Congreso Argentino de la Ciencia del Suelo (AACS) – 2010

      XXII Congreso Argentino de la Ciencia del Suelo (AACS) – 2010

    XXII Congreso AACS - Rosario 2010«El Suelo, Pilar de la Agroindustria en la Pampa Argentina»
    Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario (Paraguay 777, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina)
    Fecha: 31 de mayo al 4 de junio de 2010

    La Comisión Organizadora del XXII Congreso Argentino de la Ciencia del Suelo invita a la comunidad científica, tecnológica y productiva a participar del próximo encuentro que se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Rosario en el año 2010.

    CIRCULAR N° 1, Diciembre de 2008

    CIRCULAR Nº 2, Octubre de 2009

  • Publicaciones de Argentinos en 2005

    Publicaciones de Argentinos en 2005

    Abascal S.A.; D.E. Buschiazzo. 2005. Competition between wheat and weeds in two tillage and fertilization systems in a semiarid environment. Agrochimica XVLVIII, N°5-6: 1-9.

    Alvarez, R. 2005. Carbon stocks in pampean soils: a simple regression model for estimation of carbon storage under non degraded scenarios. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 36: 1583-1589.

    Alvarez, R. 2005. A review of nitrogen fertilization and conservation tillage effects on soil carbon storage. Soil Use and Manag., 21: 38-52.

    Alvarez, R., S. Grigera. 2005. Analysis of soil fertility and fertilizer effects on wheat and corn yield in the Rolling Pampa of Argentina. J. Agron. Crop. Sci., 191 : 321-329

    Andrade, M.L., Reyzábal, M.L., Covelo, E.F., Vega, F.A. 2005. Organochlorine pesticides in soils of the horticultural belt of Bahía Blanca (Argentina). Canadian Journal of Soil Science 85: 273-282.

    Becerra, A., L. Beenken, K. Pritsch, G. Daniele, M. Schloter & R. Agerer. 2005. Anatomical and molecular characterization ofLactarius aff. omphaliformis, Russula alnijorullensis and Cortinarius tucumanensis ectomycorrhizae on Alnus acuminata. Mycologia 97: 1047-1057.

    Becerra, A., E. Nouhra, G. Daniele, L. Domínguez & D. McKay. 2005. Ectomycorrhizas of Cortinarius helodes and Gyrodon monticola with Alnus acuminata from Argentina. Mycorrhiza 15:7-15.

    Becerra, A., K. Pritsch, N. Arrigo, M. Palma & N. Bartoloni. 2005. Ectomycorrhizal colonization of Alnus acuminata Kunth in northwestern Argentina in relation to season and soil parameters. Annals of Forest Science 62: 325-332.

    Becerra, A., M. R. Zak, T. Horton & J. Micolini. 2005. Ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of Alnus acuminatafrom Calilegua National Park (Argentina). Mycorrhiza 15: 525-531.

    Benito, M., Masaguer, A., Moliner, A., Arrigo, N., Palma, R.M., Effron, D. 2005. Evaluation of maturity and stability of pruning waste compost and their effect on carbon and nitrogen mineralization in soil. Soil Science 170: 360-370.

    Broquen P., Candan F., Falbo G., Girardin J., Pellegrini V. 2005. Impacto del Pinus ponderosa Dougl. sobre la acidificación del suelo en la transición bosque – estepa SO Neuquén, Argentina. Bosque 26 (3): 63-74.

    Broquen P., Lobartini C., Candan F., Falbo G. 2005. Allophane, aluminum, and organic matter accumulation across a bioclimatic sequence of volcanic soils of Argentina. Geoderma169 (3-4): 167-177.

    Carrera, A.L.; Vargas, D.N.; Campanella, M.V.; Bertiller, M.B.; Sain, C.L. and M.J. Mazzarino. 2005. Soil N in relation to quality and decomposability of plant litter in the Patagonian Monte, Argentina. Plant Ecology 181:139-151.

    De La Horra, A.M., Defrieri, R., Jiménez, M.P., Palma, R.M. 2005. Evolution of alkaline phosphatase and protease activities, total organic carbon and CO2 evolved during composting. Agrochimica 49: 22-28.

    De Siervi M, Iorio AF de, Chagas CI. 2005. Heavy metals in sediments and runoff waters in soils of the Matanza river basin (Argentina). Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 36:2303-2314.

    Díaz-Zorita, MC., J.H. Grove, E. Perfect. 2005. Soil fragment size distribution and compactive effort effects on maize root seedling elongation in most soil. Crop Sci. 45:1417-1426.

    Durman S., A. Menendez, A. Godeas. 2005. Variation in oxalic acid production and mycelial compatibility within field populations of the soilborne pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Soil Biol. Biochem 12: 2180-2184.

    Escudero V.G., Mendoza, R.E. 2005. Seasonal variation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in temperate grasslands along a wide hydrologic gradient. Mycorrhiza. 15: 291-299

    Fabrizi K.P., F.O. García, J.L. Costa y L.I. Picone. 2005. Soil water dynamics physical properties and corn and wheat responses to minimum and no-tillage systems in the southern Pampas of Argentina. Soil & Tillage Research 81: 57-69

    Guevara, J.C., Estevez, O.R., Stasi, C.R., Le Houérou, H.N. 2005. The role of weeping lovegrass, Eragrostis curvula, in the rehabilitation of deteriorated arid and semiarid rangelands in Argentina. Arid Land Research and Management 19: 125-146.

    Hang, S. E. Barriuso, and S. Houot. 2005. Atrazine behaviour in the
    different pedological horizons of two Argentinean non-till soils profiles. Weed Research, 45:130-139.

    Kitzberger, T.; Raffaele, E.; Heinemann, K. and M.J. Mazzarino. 2005. Effects of fire severity in a north Patagonian subalpine forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 16:5-12.

    Lavado, R.S., M. B. Rodríguez and M. A. Taboada. 2005. Treatment with biosolids affects soil availability and plant uptake of potentially toxic elements. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 109: 360-364

    Lima, H., Da Silva, A.P., Imhoff, S. 2005. Alternative method for volumetric core removal in hardsetting soils. Scientia Agricola. 62: 493-497.

    Mendoza,R., Escudero,V.,García, I. 2005. Plant growth, nutrient acquisition and mycorrhizal colonization of a waterlogging tolerant legume (Lotus glaber Mill.) in a saline-sodic soil. Plant and Soil. 275: 305-315, 2005.

    Novas M. V., D. Cabral, A. Godeas. 2005. Interaction between Mycophyllas and Mycorrhizas in Bromus setifolius from Patagonia, Argentina. Symbiosis 42: 23-30.

    Novas M, S. Fracchia, A. Menendez, A. Godeas. 2005. Glomus patagonicus a new arbuscular fungus from Argentina. Nova Hedwigia 80:533-540.

    Peinemann, N., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W. 2005. Soil organic matter and its lignin component in surface horizons of salt-affected soils of the Argentinian Pampa. Catena 60: 113-128.

    Pilatti M.A., Marano, R.P  y Orellana, J.A de 2005. Riego suplementario con aguas bicarbonatadas sódicas en Molisoles de Santa Fe. Sodificación y alcalinización. Agrochimica 48 (5-6), 233 a 248.

    Scervino J. M., M. A. Ponce, R. Erra-Bassels, J. A. Ocampo, A. Godeas. 2005. Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of tomato by Gigaspora and Glomus species in presence of roots flavonoids. Jour Plant Physiol. 162: 625-633.

    Scervino J. M., M. A. Ponce, R. Erra-Bassels , J. A. Ocampo, A, Godeas. 2005. Presymbiotic development of Gigaspora and Glomus genera in presence of flavonoids. Mycological Research. 109:789-794.

    Tognetti, C.; Laos, F.; Mazzarino, M.J. and M.T. Hernández. 2005. Composting vs. vermicomposting: a comparison of end product quality. Compost Science and Utilization 13: 6-13.

    Torres, P.A., Abril, A.B., Bucher, E.H. 2005. Microbial succession in litter decomposition in the semi-arid Chaco woodland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37: 49-54.

    Viglizzo, E., Pordomingo A., Buschiazzo D.E., Castro M. 2005. A methodological approach to assess cross-scale relations and interactions in agricultural ecosystems of Argentina. Ecosystems 8: 546-558.

    Zabaloy, M. C., Gómez, M.A. 2005. Diversity of rhizobia isolated from an agricultural soil in Argentina based on carbon utilization and effects of herbicides on growth. Biology and Fertility of Soils 42: 83-88.

    Zubillaga M. M., S. Urricariet. 2005. Assessment of nitrogen status in wheat using aerial photography. Communic. in Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis 36:1787-1798.

    Zubillaga, MS, H Rimski-Korsakov, G Travería and RS Lavado. 2005. Ammonia volatilization from different organic amendments during storage and after land application. Agrochimica. 49 (5-6) 169-174.

  • Informe final Jornada AACS “Criterios para el manejo de las napas y la materia orgánica en regioón pampeana” 14 de noviembre de 2008 ∙ Lincoln, Bs. As.

    Comisión Organizadora
    Dra Mónica Rodriguez, Ing Agr Esp Martín Torres Duggan e Ing Agr Ignacio Ciampitti, (miembros del  Comité de Fertilidad de Suelos y Nutrición Vegetal y  Pablo Marasas (socio de AACS).
    Dr. Guillermo Studdert (tesorero AACS); Dr Diego Cosentino (responsable web AACS) y  Ana Lisa Farías Bohn (secretaria).

    Apoyos institucionales
    Profertil, Degser, Bunge, Graminis, Tecnoagro S. R. L., Nidera Lincoln, Cargill, Rizobacter Argentina S.A. y GEAR S.A.

    Dinámica del evento:
    La jornada se realizó en el Centro Cultural de la Municipalidad de Lincoln, gentilmente cedida por su intendente, el  Sr Jorge  Fernández quien realizó personalmente la apertura de la jornada declarándola de interés municipal. Las actividades se iniciaron a las 9:00 con la asistencia de 100 personas, en su mayor parte preinscriptas via mail.


  • Publicaciones de Argentinos en 2004

    Publicaciones de Argentinos en 2004

    Adema, E, DE. Buschiazzo, F. J. Babinec, T.E. Rucci; V. F. Gomez Hermida. 2004. Mechanical control of shrubs in the semiarid Argentina and its effects on soil water content and grassland productivity. Agricultural Water Management 68: 185-194.

    Aguilar, J., Bouza, P., Dorronsoro, C., Fernández, E., Fernández, J., García, I., Martín, F., Simón, M. 2004. Application of remediation techniques for immobilization of metals in soils contaminated by a pyrite tailing spill in Spain. Soil Use and Management 20: 451-453.

    Alauzis, M.V.; Mazzarino, M.J.; Raffaele, E. and L. Roselli. 2004. Wildfires in NW Patagonia: Long-term effects on a Nothofagus forest soil. Forest Ecology and Management 192:131-142.

    Alvarez, R., H.S. Steinbach, S. Grigera, E. Cartier, A. y Obregón, R. García. 2004. The balance sheet methods as a conceptual framework for nitrogen fertilization of wheat in pampean agroecosystems. Agron. J.  96: 1050-1057.

    Bedmar, F, J. L. Costa, E. Suero, D. Gimenez. 2004. Transport of atrazine and metribuzin in three soils of the humid pampas of Argentina. Weed Technology 18:1-8.

    Bocanegra, M.P., Lobartini, J.C., Orioli, G.A. 2004. Iron-humate as a source of iron for plants. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 35: 2567-2576.

    Botta, G., Jorajuria, D., Balbuena, R. and Rosatto, H. 2004. Mechanical behavior of an agricultural soil under different traffic intensities: effect on soybean (Glycine max l.) yields. Soil and Tillage Research. 78: 53-58.

    Buschiazzo, D.E.; H.D. Estelrich, S. B. Aimar, E. Viglizzo, F. Babinec. 2004. Soil organic matter in the Caldenal woodland of Argentina as influenced by soil texture and tree coverage. Journal of Range Management 57 (5): 511-516.

    Da Silva, A.P.,Imhoff , S., Kay, B. 2004. Plant response to mechanical resistance and air-filled porosity of soils under conventional and no-tillage. Scientia Agricola. 61:451-456.

    Díaz Zorita, M., G.A. Duarte y M. Barraco. 2004. Effects of chloride fertilization on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) productivity in the sandy Pampas region, Argentina, Agron. J. 96:839-844.

    Díaz Zorita, M., J.H., Grove, L. Murdock, J. Herbek, E. Perfect. 2004. Soil structural disturbance effects on crop yields and soil properties in a no till production system. Agron. J. 96:1651-1659.

    Effron, D., De La Horra, A.M., Defrieri, R.L., Fontanive, V., Palma, R.M. 2004. Effect of cadmium, copper, and lead on different enzyme activities in a native forest soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 35: 1309-1321.

    Fontanive, V., Effron, D., Tortarolo, F., Arrigo, N. 2004. Evaluation of parameters during composting of two contrasting raw materials. Compost Science and Utilization 12: 268-272.

    Fracchia S., I. Sampedro, M. Scervino, I. Garcia Romera, A. Godeas, J. A. Ocampo. 2004. nfluence of saprobe fungi and its exudates on arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Symbiosis 36: 169-182.

    Galantini J.A., N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, R. Rosell. 2004. Influence of texture on the nitrogen and sulphur status and organic matter quality and distribution in semiarid Pampean grassland soils. Geoderma 123: 143-152.

    García-Gil, J.C., Ceppi, S.B., Velasco, M.I., Polo, A., Senesi, N. 2004. Long-term effects of amendment with municipal solid waste compost on the elemental and acidic functional group composition and pH-buffer capacity of soil humic acids. Geoderma 121: 135-142.

    Gómez E., Garland J., Conti M.E. 2004. Reproducibility in the response of soil bacterial community level physiological profiles from a land use intensification gradient. Applied Soil Ecology. 26: 21-30.

    Guiresse, M., L. Seibane, J.D. Scheiner, F.H. Gutiérrez-Boem, M. Kaemmerer, D. Gavalda, M. Hafidi y J.C. Revel. 2004. Evolution of humic fraction in a redoxi-luvisol after application of granular sewage sludge. Agrochimica, 48: 61-72.

    González-Bonorino, G., Osterkamp, W.R. 2004. Applying RUSLE 2.0 on burned-forest lands: An appraisal. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 59: 36-42.

    . Grigera, G., M. Oesterheld. 2004. Mycorrhizal colonization patterns under contrasting grazing and topographic conditions in the Flooding Pampa (Argentina). J. Range Management 57: 601-605.

    Gutiérrez-Boem, F.H., J.D. Scheiner, H. Rimski-Korsakov and R.S. Lavado. 2004. Late season nitrogen fertilization of soybeans: effects on leaf senescence, yield and environment. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 68:109-115.

    Imhoff, S., Da Silva, A.P., Fallow, D.2004. Susceptibility to compaction, load support capacity and soil compressibility of Hapludox. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 68:17-24.

    Jergentz, S., Mugni, H., Bonetto, C., Schulz, R. 2004. Runoff-related endosulfan contamination and aquatic macroinvertebrate response in rural basins near Buenos Aires, Argentine, Arc. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 46(3) 345-352.

    La Manna, L., Rajchenberg, M. 2004. Soil properties and Austrocedrus chilensis forest decline in Central Patagonia, Argentina. Plant and Soil 263: 29-41.

    Lavado, R.S., M.S. Zubillaga, R. Alvarez and M.A. Taboada. 2004. Baseline levels of potentially toxic elements in pampas soils. Soil & Sediment Contamination: an International Journal, 13 (5): 329-339.

    Liao H., X. Yan, G. Rubio, S. Beebe, M.H. Blair and J P. Lynch. 2004. Genetic mapping of basal root gravitropism and phosphorus acquisition efficiency in Common bean. Functional Plant Biology 31, 959-970.

    Marino, M.A; Mazzanti, A.; Assuero, S.G.; Gastal, F.; Echeverría, H.E. and Andrade, F.H. 2004. Nitrogen dilution curves and nitrogen use efficiency during winter-spring growth of annual ryegrass. Agronomy Journal 96:601-607.

    Martinez A., A. Pardo, J.A. Ocampo, A. Godeas. 2004.Interaction between Trichoderma pseudokoningii strains and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Glomus mosseae and Gigaspora rosea. Mycorrhiza 14: 79-84.

    Montero, F.A., Sagardoy, M.A., Dick, R.P. 2004. Temporal variability of microbial populations and enzyme activities of no-tillage soils in Argentina. Arid Land Research and Management 18: 201-215.

    Omacini M., E.J. Chaneton, P. Otero, C.M. Ghersa. 2004. Do fungal leaf-symbionts affect grass litter decomposition? A microcosm approach using Lolium multiflorum. Oikos 104: 581-590.

    Perfect, E., A.B. Kenst, M., Díaz Zorita, J. H. Grove. 2004. Fractal análisis of soil water desorption data collected on disturbed samples with water activity meters. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:1177-1184.

    Piccolo G., J.A. Galantini, R.A. Rosell. 2004. Particulate organic carbon in sustainable agriculture of subtropical soils in Argentina. Geoderma 123: 333-341.

    Ponce M A., J.. Scervino, R. Erra-Balsells, J.A. Ocampo, A. M. Godeas. 2004. Flavonoids isolated from shoots, roots and roots exudates of Brassica Alba (r). Phytochemistry 65:3131-3134.

    Ponce M.A , J. M. Scervino, R. Erra-Balsells, J. A. Ocampo, A. M. Godeas. 2004. New flavonoids isolated from shoots and roots of Trifolium repens (white clover) grown with and without the mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus intraradices. Phytochemistry 65: 1925-1930.

    Prystupa P., R. Savin, G.A. Slafer. 2004. Grain number and its relationship with dry matter, N and P in the spikes at heading in response to NxP fertilization in barley. Field Crops Research 90: 245-254.

    Rimski-Korsakov, H., G. Rubio and R. S. Lavado. 2004. Potential losses of nitrate by leaching in soils of the Pampas Argentina. Agricultural Water management 65: 83-94.

    Rodríguez, M.B.  and R.S. Lavado. 2004. Uptake and distribution of trace elements by soybean from a physically degraded soil treated with biosolids. Agrochimica. 48: (1-2): 1-10.

    Rodriguez M. A., N. Venedikian, ME Bazzalo, A. Godeas. 2004. Histopathology of S. sclerotiorum attack on flower parts of H. annus heads in tolerant and susceptible varieties. Mycopathologia 157: 291-302.

    Rubio G., A. Sorgonà, J.P. Lynch. 2004. Spatial mapping of phosphorus influx in bean root systems using digital autoradiography. Journal of Experimental Botany 55: 2269-2280.

    Sampedro I, Aranda E. Scervino JM, Fracchia S Garcia Romera I, Ocampo JA, A. Godeas. 2004. Improvement by soil yeasts of mycorrhizal arbuscular symbiosis of soybean (Glycine max) colonized with G. mosseae. Mycorrhiza 14: 229-234.

    Sainz Rozas H.; Echeverría, H.E. and Barbieri, P. 2004. Nitrogen balance as affected by application time and nitrogen fertilizer rate in irrigated no-tillage maize. Agronomy Journal 96:1622-1631.

    Semmartin M., M.R. Aguiar, R.A. Distel, A.S. Moretto, C.M. Ghersa. 2004. Litter quality and nutrient cycling affected by grazing-induced species replacements along a precipitation gradient. Oikos 107:148-160.

    Steinbach, H.S., R. Alvarez, C. Valente. 2004. Balance between mineralization and immobilization of nitrogen as affected by soil mineral nitrogen level. Agrochimica 48: 204-212.

    Taboada M.A., O.A. Barbosa, M.B. Rodriguez and D.J. Cosentino. 2004.
    Mechanisms of aggregation in a silty loam under different simulated management regimes. Geoderma 123 (3-4): 233-244.

    Thomas, F., Folgarait, P., Lavelle, P., Rossi, J.P. 2004. Soil macrofaunal communities along an abandoned rice field chronosequence in Northern Argentina. Applied Soil Ecology 27: 23-29.

    Urricariet, S.; R.S. Lavado y L. Martín. 2004. Corn Response to Fertilization and SR, DRIS and PASS Interpretation of Leaf and Grain Analysis. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 35 (3-4) 413-425.

    Velasco, R. H., Juri Ayub, J., Belli, M., Sansone, U. 2004.Temporal trends of 137Cs and 40K activity flux from soil to plant in grassland ecosystems. Journal of Enviromental Radiactivity. 71: 225-241.

  • Publicaciones de Argentinos en 2003

    Publicaciones de Argentinos en 2003

    Acebal, S. G., M. E. Aguirre, R. M. Santamaría, A. Mijovilovich, S. Petrick, C. Saragovi. 2003. Selective dissolution techniques, X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer Spectroscopy studies of forms of Fe in particle-size fractions of an Entic Haplustoll. Hyperfine Interactions C, 148 (1-4), 3-12.

    Balestrasse K.B., Benavides M.P., Gallego S.M., Tomaro M.L. 2003. Effect of cadmium stress on nitrogen metabolism in nodules and roots of soybean plants. Functional Plant Biology 30:57-64.

    Bujan A,Santanatoglia O J, Chagas C I, Massobrio M, Castiglioni M, Yañez M, Ciallella H, Fernadez J, 2003. Soil erosion evaluation in a small basin through the use of 137Cs technique. Soil and Tillage Research 69 (1-2):127-137.

    Calviño, P.A., Andrade, F.H., Sadras, V.O. 2003. Maize yield as affected by water availability, soil depth, and crop management. Agronomy Journal 95: 275-281.

    Camilión, M.C., Manassero, M.J., Hurtado, M.A., Ronco, A.E. 2003. Cooper, lead and zinc distribution in soils and sediments of the south-western coast of the Río de la Plata estuary. Journal of Soils and Sediments 3: 213-220.

    Carrera, A.L.; Bertiller, M.B.; Sain, C.L. and Mazzarino M.J. 2003. Relationship between plant nitrogen conservation strategies and the dynamics of soil nitrogen in the arid Patagonian Monte, Argentina. Plant and Soil 255:595-604.

    Castillo, A.E., Benito, S.G., Fernández, J.A. 2003. Using organic manures as liming materials. Agrochimica 47: 14-20.

    Conghos, M.M., Aguirre, M.E., Santamaría, R.M. 2003. Biodegradation of sunflower hulls with different nitrogen sources under mesophilic and thermophilic incubations. Biology and Fertility of Soils 38: 282-287.

    Da Silva, A.P., Imhoff, S., Corsi, M. 2003. Evaluation of soil compaction in an irrigated short-duration grazing system. Soil & Tillage Research70: 83-90.

    De la Horra A.M., M.E. Conti, R.M. Palma. 2003. B-Glucosidase and Proteases as affected by long-term management practices in a Typic Argiudoll. Comm.Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 34, 17&18:1-10.

    Delavechia, C., Hampp, E., Fabra, A., Castro, S. 2003. Influence of pH and calcium on the growth, polysaccharide production and symbiotic association of Sinorhizobium meliloti SEMIA 116 with alfalfa roots. Biology and Fertility of Soils 38: 110-114.

    Diehl, P.; Mazzarino, M.J.; Funes, F.; Fontenla, S.; Gobbi, M. and J. Ferrari. 2003. Nutrient conservation strategies in native Andean-Patagonian forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 14:63-70.

    Durman S., A. Menéndez, A. Godeas. 2003. Mycelial compatibility groups in Buenos Aires field populations of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Austr. Jour. Bot. 51: 421-427.

    Fabiola, N., Giarola, B., Da Silva, A.P., Imhoff, S., Dexter, A.R. 2003. Contribution of natural soil compaction on hardsetting behavior. Geoderma 113: 95-108.

    Fabrizi K.P., A. Morón y F.O. García. 2003. Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Organic Fractions in degraded vs Non-Degraded Mollisols in Argentina. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:1831-1841.

    Filgueira, R.R., Y.A. Pachepsky, L.L. Fournier. 2003. Time-mass scaling in soil texture analysis. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67: 1703-1706

    Folgarait, P.J., Thomas, F., Desjardins, T., Grimaldi, M., Tayasu, I., Curmi, P., Lavelle, P.M. 2003. Soil properties and the macrofauna community in abandoned irrigated rice fields of northeastern Argentina. Biology and Fertility of Soils 38: 349-357.

    Fracchia S., A. Menendez, A. Godeas. 2003. Isolation, culture and development of Entrophospora schenckii, a vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. Nova Hedwigia 77:383-387.

    Fracchia, S., Sampedro, I., Godeas, A., Ocampo, J.A., García-Romera, I. 2003. Interaction between soil yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Glomus mosseae and Gigaspora rosea. Soil Biol Biochem.35: 701-707.

    Giarola, N.F., Da Silva, A.P., Imhoff, S. 2003. Contribution of soil natural compaction on hardsetting behavior. Geoderma.113: 95-103

    Gonzalez M.G., M.E. Conti, R.M. Palma, N.M. Arrigo. 2003. Dynamics of humic fractions and the microbial activity under no tillage as compared to native pasture (Pampa Argentina). Biology and Fertility of Soils. 39(2):135-138.

    Guarnaschelli A.B., J.H. Lemcoff, P. Prystupa y S.O. Basci. 2003. Responses to drought preconditioning in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. provenances. Trees – Structure and function 17: 501-509.

    Hang, S. E. Barriuso, and S. Houot. 2003. Behavior of 14C-Atrazine in Topsoils of the Argentinean Semi-arid Pampa under Different Cropping Managements. J. Environ. Qual., 32: 2216-2222.

    Hevia, G.G., Buschiazzo, D.E., Hepper, E.N., Urioste, A.M., and Antón, E.L. 2003. Organic matter accumulation in size fractions of soils of the semiarid Argentina. Effects of climate, soil texture and management. Geoderma116: 265-277.

    Kade, M., Pagani, E.A., Mendoza, R.E. 2003. Phosphorus utilization efficiency in populations of narrow-leaf birdsfoot trefoil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 34: 271-284.

    López, N.I., Austin, A.T., Sala, O.E., Méndez, B.S. 2003. Controls on nitrification in a water-limited ecosystem: Experimental inhibition of ammonia-oxidising bacteria in the Patagonian steppe. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35: 1609-1613.

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  • Convocatoria a Asamblea General Ordinaria AACS

    En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto por el Estatuto de la Asociación de la Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del suelo, la Comisión Directiva convoca a los Socios a Asamblea General Ordinaria a celebrarse el 25 de Noviembre de 2008, a las 11 horas, en la sede social de la Institución: Pabellón INGEIS, Ciudad Universitaria, Capital Federal, para tratar lo siguiente:

    Orden del Día:

    1) Designación de autoridades de la Asamblea: Presidente, Vicepresidente y Secretario (Art.19)
    2) Designación de dos Socios para firmar el Acta de la Asamblea.
    3) Consideración de la Memoria y Balance correspondiente al Ejercicio Económico N° 26 cerrado el 31 de julio de 2008
    4) Consideración de la cuota social Buenos Aires, 26 de setiembre de 2008

    Gerardo Rubio
    Electo por Asamblea Anual Ordinaria de 29 Noviembre de 2007